President Obama announced this week a new rule that will make millions more workers eligible for overtime pay. Currently, employees who make $23,660 a year ($455 a week) or more do not have to be paid overtime if they are classified as exempt salaried or managerial workers. That covers many fast-food restaurant managers and people…
Unpaid overtime wages is a common problem, and a class action lawsuit recently filed against AT&T in California shows how pervasive it can be. The lawsuit accuses the telecom giant of failing to pay overtime to training specialists. Those employees say they often worked long hours and weekends but did not get their overtime pay…
For most of us, we spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else. That makes it extremely difficult when dealing with someone unethical on the job. But what do you do when that someone pays your paycheck? Common Types of Workplace Deception To better understand your options, it’s important to categorize the nature of…
Florida is an at-will state and employees may be fired at any time with little to no cause. However, workplace discrimination is not included in at-will terminations. If you’ve been a victim of workplace discrimination, you can – and should – fight back. What is Workplace Discrimination? Workplace discrimination includes any “adverse employment action” (including…
Florida is an “at-will” state, meaning employees may be terminated at any time for whatever reason, including no reason at all. If you’ve recently lost your job, you may be considering your rights. Just because you reside in an at-will state does not mean you haven’t been wrongfully terminated. Even though the law seems like…
Employment law is difficult to understand without a legal background. It used to be believed that hourly employees received overtime for anything worked over 40 hours, while salaried employees were at the mercy of their employer receiving a flat salary regardless of how many hours they worked. Employment law is not that simple and mistakes…
We’ve said it before: knowledge is power when it comes to overtime laws. Underhanded employers rely on their workers’ unfamiliarity with regulations set by the Fair Standards Labor Act (FSLA) and devise slight smoke-and-mirror schemes to obscure an employee’s overtime eligibility. However, most managers don’t moonlight as magicians so they’re not as skilled in concealing…
4 Benefits of Hiring an Employment Law Attorney There are two types of employees: clock-watchers and “overtimers.” For hard workers, there’s a clock-watching misconception. If you’re not tracking your time, you may believe you’ve missed out on the pay for those unaccounted hours. What’s worse, as a salaried staffer you might believe you aren’t entitled…
Workers have a wide range of protections under the law. Salaried employee rights are included in legislation that holds employers accountable for violating those laws. People work hard for their salary and should be paid appropriately. But as a salaried employee, you may be working harder than you have to. There’s a common misconception that…
As the annual unemployment rate modestly decreases (down .7 percent from 2012), workers have come to expect paybacks in the form of post-recession employment. Enter: “The New Minimum Wage” and the debate over its latent impact on joblessness. Could an increase in pay lead to an upsurge in unemployment? Some economists still express concerns over…
Contact us for a Free Case Evaluation
Wenzel Fenton Cabassa, P.A. operates on a contingency basis, ensuring that we do not receive payment unless we secure compensation for your case. If your workplace rights were violated, contact us today for free case evaluation.